Attorneys Experienced with Survivors of Sexual Violence
1. Zalkin and Zimmer, LLP - Personal Injury Attorneys (CA and NY)
2. Denis Ventriglia, Attorney and Counsellor at Law (NC)
3. Susan K. Smith, Attorney at Law (CT)
Other legal information
This Blog is for and about Jewish Survivors of childhood sexual abuse, survivors of sexual assault, rabbinical sexual misconduct and those who care about them.
During the holocaust there was a rabbi in the same concentration camp where Ellie Wiesel was being held. This rabbi had the only siddur around. Many men begged him to lend them his siddur so they could say their daily prayers. The rabbi refused to share it unless the other men gave him their daily rations of food.
These men gave up their food in order to pray. The rabbi ate ten times more then anyone else, and allowed others to starve.
I feel silly writing about this, yet it's been a battle for me. I don't want to be so dependent on my therapist that it makes a difference. I have panic whenever my therapist goes on vacation, or has taken a leave of absence for medical reasons.
I don't know what to do with myself when they are away. I feel like my life comes down all around me when they are not available to me.
Is this OK? Does it happen to other survivors? Does this mean that the relationship I have with them is bad? One of my friend says the same thing happens to her when her rabbi goes away. Can someone explain why this happens?