Thursday, July 26, 2007

Does anyone have any information regarding Rav Zalman Cohen of Israel?

I keep hearing rumors about individuals who call themselves "Life Coaches" who really are practicing a form of psychotherapy even though they are not licensed mental health workers.

Unfortunately anyone can call themselves a life coach and there are those who do so to lure in potential victims for their own personal power trips.

As in any other helping field, there have been cases where the "Life Coach" have overstepped boundaries and sexually manipulated students into having "affairs".
If you had a negative experience with Rav Zalman Cohen and or Dr. Vivienne Damelin (AKA: Rebbetzin Miriam Spalter) please post the information here. Both are involved with something called "Torah Based Life Coaches". I'm told that "Rav Zalman Cohen does not have a rabbinic ordination, even though he uses the title "Rav".

If you need counseling or a legal resource contact the Association of Rape Crisis Center's in Israel, The Awareness Center or TELL (Therapy Exploitation Link Line) I'm sure they would be more then willing to help you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could this be the person you are looking for

October 03, 2011 5:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

zalman cohen has been indited by the court in Jslm and is waiting sentancing for terrible awful things to children, and Viveanne maybe knew and could have saved these children, and their parents suffering. My question to all of you...why didn,t anyone believe the x wifes warnings and other warnings by close aquantainces of zalman cohen and viveannes.?????? now it is too late the children have been the sacrifice of poor judgement. The x wife was not vengful but trying to tell you just who this monster is and how pple should have watched themselves and their families. all these children hopefully will heal , and the parents pain will knaw at their hearts forever for the why did this have to happen to my child is always there???

October 04, 2011 4:55 PM  

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