Tuesday, June 12, 2007

New Film: 'Narrow Bridge' - about clergy sexual abuse in the Jewish community


My name is Israel Moskovits, I contacted you earlier about 'Narrow Bridge', a film that I wrote, directed and am acting in which tells the story of a young Jewish college student who was sexually abused by his rabbi as a child and the numerous struggles he encounters as he attempts to heal himself and seek closure.

The film is nearly complete and I am currently seeking assistance in spreading the film's message either through arranging screenings, publicity, spreading word-of mouth, mass-media outlets, distribution, connections, etc. Any way in which you are able to take part is greatly appreciated.

Feel free to email me with any questions you might have.

Here is a link to the teaser trailer for the film

NOTE: There is a brief shot of "negiyah" in the trailer, this has been edited out of the final film.

Here is a blog article about the film


Israel (Yisrael) Moskovits
IzzyComm Motion Pictures
icmpinfo @ gmail.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From UOJ:

Izzy Mazel Tov on your first movie.

For your next movie can your Chicago Chevra suggest the Meystel story.

All you need is a locked kitchen with no windows.

A character named pedophile Yossi Meystel.

Six kids ranging in age from eight till eleven.

A Rabbi Eichenstein.

For the trailer you can put the fondling scenes. For the real activity you will have to wait for July 1.

Every effort is being made to not go public with further details. After that point....

June 13, 2007 1:38 PM  

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