Sunday, May 27, 2007

Where in the World is Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov?

This convicted sex offender has been in violation of registration requirements since 03/21/2003.

WARNING: Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov, is in violation of sex offender registration requirements in California for past 2 years. If you know his whereabout please notify the California authorities at: (916) 227-4974.

Rabbi Yomtov taught Hebrew at Chedar Menachem School in Hollywood, CA where he molested three of his students. Yomtov plead guilty to sexual abuse and committing lewd acts against three boys (ages 8 - 10) back in 2002.

In addition to the jail time and probation, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Sauer ordered that Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov not associate with minors or seek any jobs teaching minors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were UOJ, I would suggest checking the roster of truck drivers at Rubashkin.

May 27, 2007 10:21 AM  

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