Friday, November 24, 2006

Is there any connection between Achi Ben Shalom and Rabbi Mordechai Gafni?

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Achi Ben Shalom / Marc Gafni

I was reading the articles out there about the new allegations made against Achi Ben Shalom. I started wondering if there is any sort of connection between him and Rabbi Marc Gafni. I have absolutely nothing to base this on with the exception that Gafni's ex-wife has been based in San Francisco for several years and at one time Gafni took a stab at becoming a "rock star".

Below is a list of other alleged and convicted sex offenders that had been trusted performers in Jewish communities:
  1. Shlomo Carlebach
  2. Philip Friedman
  3. Stuart Friedman
  4. Sidney Goldenberg
  5. Joel Gordon
  6. Mark Horowitz
  7. Howard Nevison
  8. Stanley Rosenfeld
  9. Robert Shapiro
  10. Michael Segelstein
  11. Yeedle Werdyger
  12. Adam Wexler
  13. Hershy Worch
  14. Phillip Wittlin
  15. Peter Yarrow


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