Saturday, June 24, 2006

Watch the video to understand the dynamics in the Case of Rabbi Yehuda Kolko

From The Awareness Center's Daily News Letter
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To understand the mindset of those involved with the case of Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, and some of the other case in the orthodox world, please watched the Bryks video. It's a download and you need a dvd player to watch.

The Awareness Center is providing the documentary "Unorthodox Conduct" in the memory of Daniel Levin.
Our hopes is that it will be used as a way to educate the public on the devistating ramifications a case can have on an individual, family and in Jewish communities around the world. It's important to know what happens when a case of "alleged" childhood sexual abuse in the Jewish community is not dealt with properly from the beginning (bringing the case to law enforcement who is trained and educated in dealing with these cases).

Our hopes is that after you view this documentary that you will go to your rabbis and other community leaders and demand that there be changes made when a child makes allegations they were sexually abused/assaulted. We cannot afford for there to be anymore cover-ups when there are allegations that a child has been molested. We cannot afford to let one more child die. Our hopes is that not one more child will feel so desperate that they will take their own lives, as Daniel Levin did.

Please note: The Investigative documentary: "Unorthodox Conduct"contains graphic information regarding the case against Rabbi Ephriam Bryks. It was produced in 1994 by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.


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