Yori Yanover on the Case of Rabbi David Lipman

Photos: David Lipman, Hershy Worch, Mordecai Tendler
Inmate Details
ADC Inmate Number: | 204959 |
Status: | ACTIVE |
Last Name: | LIPMAN |
First Name: | DAVID |
Middle Name: | |
Date of Birth: | 01/18/1951 |
Sex: | MALE |
Ethnic Origin: | CAUCASIAN |
Hair Color: | BROWN |
Eye Color: | BLUE |
Height (inches): | 69 |
Weight (lbs): | 190 |
Maximum Term (yyy/mm/dd): | 00/00/00 |
Admission Date: | 04/21/2006 |
Agency Institution: | ASPC-PX ALHAMBRA |
Currently on Supervised Release: | N |
The following was posted on a blog ran by Yori Yanover. A few of his friends include Rabbi David Lipman and Rabbi Hershy Worch. He is also loosely connected to Rabbi Mordecai Tendler.

USA Jewish - Wednesday, April 26, 2006
by Yori Yanover
I told a friend of mine in Jerusalem about the case of Rabbi David Lipman and I could hear over the phone how his jaw dropped. Sometimes we need to hear familiar news as it is reflected through the eyes of someone in a slightly different culture to refresh your sense of horror.
The state of Arizona received a report from a Child Protective Services hotline complaint, the cops went to Lipman’s office to question him about inappropriate touching of (children) and he responded in a self-incriminating manner. He then proceeded to mess his own case up in a fantastic way, disappearing for several months, neglecting to make his court appearance, in short, being self-destructive.
The state launched some 13 complains of child sexual abuse against Lipman, which he initially was not present to answer. All the complaints stemmed from (children's) report to someone in or connected to the CPS system.
Now check this out: The cops impounded Lipman’s office computer and discovered pornographic material on its drive, including, reportedly, child pornography.
For the possession of this material, Lipman got 13.5 years in jail.
For the child sexual abuse conviction he got probation. This was because (children), who complained about his misbehavior, pleaded with the judge not to add more time to his sentence.
This is American Democracy, 2006. It is twisted, cruel, hysterical and injurious. But I, like many Americans, have grown callused to this frightening bit of medieval justice. It took the shocked and awed response of my friend to remind me of what has been happening to our free speech over the past couple of decades.
In the 1960’s Phil Ochs sang Mississippi, find yourself another country. I think it’s time for Arizona to go looking, too.
posted by Yori Yanover at Wednesday, April 26, 2006
So what else is new -- Yanover thinks free speech should include the right to have child pornography and sexually molest ones' children.
Who is surprised?
Do birds of a feather flock together?
I think Yori should first get his facts straight. The police did NOT impound Lipman's computer until AFTER someone found the pornography on it.
And, naturally, for possessing pornography, one should spend 13.5 years in prison. Mind you, most rape convictions result in fewer years. Does anyone here honestly believe that we should punish people who possess -- not produces, but merely possess -- pornography, even child pornography -- worse than people who actually commit rape?
Your buddy "Lipman" should get life in prison. He's very fortunate he only got 13 1/2 years.
Can you imagine the pain and suffering of the children who appeared in the photographs and video tapes he had in his possession? Do you have any idea what they will have to deal with the rest of their lives? It's more then just a life sentance. This will not only effect them, but their family members, their children, and many generations to come.
You really have no clue to what you are saying. They have programs for sex offenders where they are confronted by victims of rape by others. I think this sort of programming may be helpful to you to open your eyes.
I pray every night that if you have children they will never be sexually abused or assaulted. You should never have to know the pain of what a parent goes through when they learn someone they trusted video taped their children for pornography.
Learn about Yanover's "Rebbe" here:
Yori Yanover said...
My article was prefaced with this comment:
The following was posted on a blog ran by Yori Yanover. A few of his friends include Rabbi David Lipman and Rabbi Hershy Worch. He is also loosely connected to Rabbi Mordecai Tendler.
To which I just responded:
Rabbi Hershy Worch is not just my friend, he's my spiritual teacher. And this website as well as the Awareness Center is yet to produce a single substantial bit of information (provided by an actual human being, one not hiding behind the dubious shield of anonymity) to support the claim that he "uses kabbalah, hypno-eroticism and other manipulation techniques to have sex with women and to take their money."
Is it fair and decent to soil a man's reputaion without any proof, to simply allow the deadly and false accusation sit there, doing damage to him every hour of every day? Read the accusation: uses kabbalah, hypno-eroticism and other manipulation techniques to have sex with women and to take their money and tell me what it means. Provide any detail whatever from a verifiable source -- or take off his page.
If you ran your center honestly, and not as a place where you reek vengeance on your enemies and your childhood demons, you would have long removed the page and apologized.
But, rest assured, I will not permit you to continue destroying a dear and precious man who has never in his life raised his arm in anger. I will continue to take you to task, I will continue to mail out information about you, I will force you to face up to the evil that you have heaped on this man's head.
Let's see if Polin has the guts to publish it. 2 bits you'll only see it here.
5:17 PM, April 26, 2006
I'm trying to remember the names of other alleged and convicted sex offenders who are buddies of Yori Yanover.
Can someone help me out! Who else am I forgetting?
1. Rabbi Hershy Worch
2. Rabbi David Lipman
3. Rabbi Michael Ozair
4. Rabbi Mordecai Tendler
Anonymous of 6:38 PM
You forgot Gafni.
Supposedly he teamed up with Worch in Chicago on Sunday, they probably traded techniques.
Do you think that Worch and Gafni spoke at "No Exit Cafe"? I wonder if it was a set up arranged by Yanover to "get Vicki"?
>>I wonder if it was a set up arranged by Yanover to "get Vicki"?
There's one surefire way to check if it was my event -- count how many people showed up. When I arrange an events, they pack the room. This one, sadly, attracted only about 15.
There's one surefire way to check if it was my event -- count how many people showed up. When I arrange an events, they pack the room. This one, sadly, attracted only about 15.
Interesting that on the No Exit Cafe website, Worch and Gafni's appearance is not even mentioned on their calendar.
Makes you wonder if the No Exit Cafe was even aware that an "event" was happening, which probably consisted of Worch and Gafni sitting at a corner table.
Here Yori! Here Yori! Come to Arizona! Maybe you can join your buddy Lipman. At least Arizona got this blight on society off the streets. This man that people trusted. And I can only imagine the rest of the young people he molested that never reported it. You belong with him.
Oh! And there is another man here that testified for Lipman. He doesn't think it is wrong to view child pornography either.
By the way, that knife you are holding in your hand in the picture...is that so we can take it and use it to castrate the creeps or are you threatening us?
I am ashamed that you are a Jew.
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