Sunday, March 26, 2006

Yori Yanover speaks about his friend - Rabbi David Lipman

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Yori Yanover is an individual who has been accused of harassing this blog, an organization called The Awareness Center, Rabbi Yosef Blau, Rabbi Mark Dratch, Vicki Polin, Jewish Whistleblower, the survivor of "rabbi Hershy Worch", and everyone else who is trying to make a difference to protect the rights of those who have been sexually abuse and or assaulted.

FYI: JWB stands for
Jewish Whistleblower (an individuals who speaks out for those who have been sexually victimized)

My suggestion is that Yori Yanover start learning about sex offenders. He should read "
When A Family Member Molests: Reality, Conflict, and The Need For Support and Offenders: Problems our parents wouldn't speak of.

  1. Yori Yanover Says:

    JWB, or whatever your real personality is (I’ve lost count),

    Shame is a big issue for you. I’m sure the discovery of the impact your unerring sense of right and wrong has had on your loved ones has encumbered you with a layer of shame so deep and thick, it’s made shame and shaming the centerpiece of your online life.

    You continue to archive my best work, occasionally misrepresenting it, other times pulling lines out of context. But shame me you cannot, because I do not publish articles I’m ashamed of. Bear with me.

    In the item “Former rabbi sentenced for viewing sexually explicit images” (I’m not sure, by the way, that a state court can remove a rabbi’s smicha, so I assume they mean he no longer officiates in a congregation) ... there are two parts to poor David Lipman’s incredibly severe sentence:

    PRESCOTT, Ariz. A former rabbi was sentenced to more than a dozen years in prison for viewing sexually explicit images of young children on his computer.

    Fifty-six-year-old former Rabbi David Lipman received a 3-and-a-half-year sentence for one charge of sexual exploitation of a minor and lifetime probation for three counts of attempted sexual exploitation of a minor. He also has to register as a sex offender.

    The charges stem from images that the police downloaded from Lipman’s computer while he worked at a temple in Prescott.

    In other words, the bulk of Lipman’s punishment was for downloading and viewing sexual images of children. This has NOTHING to do with his other charges. Unless the local press maligned the story, which is possible, a US citizen, a Jew, is sent to 13.5 years in jail for viewing pornographic images — and you rejoice!

    Which one of us should be ashamed? Are you really applauding sending a man to jail for downloading and viewing verboten pictures?

    So, for the record, I still have nothing to say regarding Rabbi Lipman’s relationship with his daughter. My brief acquaintance with him does not make me an expert on his personal life. I do, however, like the man a lot, I recall being grateful to him for taking over an online Torah class when our original rabbi needed a break. JWB lumps him together with me and Larry as old-time buddies — which he likes doing — but we haven’t heard from him since 1997, I think, when they moved to New England. But everybody knows JWB’s tactics.

    To the point, though, does anyone on this message board, excluding Dingo and the media gou from Toronto, endorse sentencing a man to 13.5 years in jail for having child pornography on his workplace computer?

    Sorry, just because it’s the law in some south-western state don’t make it right. I recall those same states used to have separate bathrooms for whites and colored — I wonder if JWB’s would have rejoiced back then if a Jew he hated was caught letting a black man pee in a white bathroom…

    The Arizona law is a sham, it is a blight on our First Amendment. At a time when our government can arrest us and give no reason, after wiretapping us without court approval, JWB is joining the burgeoning forces of fascism, which is where he belongs.

    Child pornography is an evil thing, but if you think I’m going to endorse unlimited police powers to stop it you’re out of your grief-maddened mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jewishwhistleblower Says:
March 26th, 2006 at 10:07 am

>In other words, the bulk of Lipman’s punishment was for downloading and viewing sexual images of children.

>This has NOTHING to do with his other charges. Unless
>the local press maligned the story, which is possible,
>a US citizen, a Jew, is sent to 13.5 years in jail for
>viewing pornographic images — and you rejoice!

Rabbi David Lipman pleaded guilty to one count of sexual exploitation of a minor, a Class 2 felony, and three counts of attempted sexual exploitation of a minor, Class 3 felonies. Lipman pleaded guilty to pertain to the computer images of children younger than the age of 15.

I don’t rejoice in any way. This monster belongs in jail. What he has done is beyond obscene. Apparently, this deal allows him to make a plea on these charges and not have additional time on the other outstanding charges:

13.5 years in jail is far too low, he should have gotten life, which was possible with the remaining charges.

>Sorry, just because it’s the law in some south-western
>state don’t make it right. I recall those same states
>used to have separate bathrooms for whites and
>colored — I wonder if JWB’s would have rejoiced
>back then if a Jew he hated was caught letting a
>black man pee in a white bathroom…

YOU COMPARE civil rights to owning/viewing/distributing child pornography??? Do you have any shame? Do you understand what was done to these children to create these obscenities?

>The Arizona law is a sham, it is a blight on our First Amendment

So basically, YOUR friend’s right to view child pornography OUTWEIGHS protecting children from abuse and exploitation?

Are you mad?

>Child pornography is an evil thing, but if you think
>I’m going to endorse unlimited police powers to stop it

So basically abusing children is bad, but YOU’RE advocating tying law enforcement’s hands, because the rights of Rabbi Lipman to view and encourage the exploitation of children OUTWEIGHS the protection of children.

That folks IS the reral Yori Yanover.

>you’re out of your grief-maddened mind.

“The Boss”, Kilstein and you don’t know anything. I’m all American. I’m not the survivor/victim of any abuse, nor are any of my relatives. It’s sick that you and your band have engaged in efforts to smear (in emails, on your blog and here) a father who’s son was abused by a Rabbi and committed suicide who has no connection to me at all.
How low can you go?

1) You call Lipman’s child victims “dubious”.

2) You defend viewing and possession of child pornography.

3) Your band smears a father who’s son is dead.

All in a day’s smear by Team Worch and Team Tendler.

1) They’ll declare people mentally ill, and then do everything to publically smear them. They believe that is decent.

2) They’ll smear brave survivors who come forward to tell their stories of abuse. They believe that only predators and the accused are innocent untill proven guilty and should be protected, survivors and victims, however, are presumed to be liars and guilty and they smear their reputations, mental health and motivations.

3) They’ll even smear a father whose son is dead. The Boss”, who posts identical information as distributed for the past weeks by Yori Yanover and Rabbi Kilstein, with a link to a photo of the father of the victim of sexual abuse who committed suicide with a photoshopped whistle in his mouth in a directory labelled “Jewishsoap” and the photo labelled “father of the year”. Where do I even start with this latest obscenity?

What a bunch of truly disgustiing and despicable people you are.

March 26, 2006 4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

# jewishwhistleblower Says:
March 26th, 2006 at 10:39 am

Larry Yudelson a “journalist” and close friend/defender of Yori Yanover decided to post rants about me and others here Friday AND on his personal blog. Others with information dustributed over the past weeks by both Yori Yanover and Rabbi Kilsten, a student of Rav Moshe Tendler, posted obscene smears here falsely claiming that I am a father whose son was sexually abused by a rabbi and committed suicide. That is completely false. “The Boss” linked a post to a photo of the father of the victim of sexual abuse who committed suicide with a photoshopped whistle in his mouth in a directory labelled “Jewishsoap” and the photo labelled “father of the year”. Where do I even start with this latest obscenity?

I reserve the right to defend myself and set the record straight, whenever AND wherever I am smeared AND those smeared along with me.

YOU will not silence me, you will not silence the voices of survivors, victims, their supporters and their families. These smear tactics only strengthen our resolve and embolden our efforts.

March 26, 2006 4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jewishwhistleblower Says:
March 26th, 2006 at 10:49 am

>Your post gives me a good idea: Compile a
>detailed website of the agunahs and publish
>each story. That way maybe concerned people
>can check on the character of the husbands,
>diyanm, or the aguhas before doing business
>with them or donating to their cause.

100%. I’ve advocated for sometime a similar website to the Awareness Center to deal with deadbeats who leave their wives agunot.

It’s obscene in this age that ANY woman is left an agunah.

March 26, 2006 4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is NO SUCH THING as "harmlessly" viewing images of child pornography. Someone should inform Yanover that his friend Lipman, getting off on imagery of children being sexually abused, is being a secondary partner to the crime.

It's people like Lipman who are part of the supply-and-demand of child porn.

Yanover making excuses, just as he made excuses for his snuff-porn writing friend Hershy Worch, just further exposes Yanover for the slimy sleazeball he is.

March 26, 2006 8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Has been accused of harassing...."

Accused by whom?

March 26, 2006 11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently, Yori does not understand the aftermath of what David Lipman did. The girls he touched inappropriately have been touched for life in their minds and just as David Lipman said his child abuse festered in him, he has sentenced these girls to life imprisonment. You can learn to accept it, overcome it, and live with it, but it is still in your mind.

Viewing child pornography is not the norm of any adult male. Ask a healthy adult male and they will tell you they are repulsed by the pictures such as those David Lipman was viewing. And, don't forget the pictures, possibly videos, he was downloading of prisoners being raped and beaten.

As far as I am concerned, anyone who can condone the behavior of those such as David Lipman are in the same class as he is. He should have received life!

March 26, 2006 11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>There is NO SUCH THING as >>"harmlessly" viewing images of child >>pornography. Someone should inform >>Yanover that his friend Lipman, >>getting off on imagery of children >>being sexually abused, is being a >>secondary partner to the crime."

I don't think he was saying it was harmless -- he said it was evil. He was arguing against the severity of the punishment. This is more than people receive for manslaughter, where they phisically kill someone. How can you say that actually killing a person and viewing an image taken by someone else are on the same level of crime?

March 28, 2006 4:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't think he was saying it was harmless -- he said it was evil. He was arguing against the severity of the punishment. This is more than people receive for manslaughter, where they phisically kill someone. How can you say that actually killing a person and viewing an image taken by someone else are on the same level of crime?

Are you really that naive or ignorant? Lipman was downloading, viewing, and getting off on images of crimes being perpetrated against real children.

He was actively taking part in the supply-and-demand for child porn.

You claim no one was "murdered", but the psychological and spiritual damage done to the children involved is a form of soul murder.

Oh, and to Jewish Survivors: No amount of suggested reading to Yanover is ever going to make him grow a conscience. He has none.

March 29, 2006 9:01 AM  

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