Why is the Jewish community promoting as a religious leader, Rabb

To whom it may concern:
I read the October 30, 2005 article "Substance abuse focus of Mount Pleasant speech" and was disgusted.
Why is the Jewish community promoting as a religious leader, http://www.TheAwarenessCenter.org/Zimmerman.html
Religious leaders who engage in such misconduct should find work outside of the clergy. Such individual have no right to use the title Rabbi. They have no place in the Jewish community in any position of authority.
Allowing such an individual to speak publicly on the topic of abuse (of any sort) and promote him as a Rabbi is simply obscene.
Jewish Whistleblower
I agree with you completely. Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman has confessed to being guilty of rabbinic sexual misconduct. Rabbi Zimmerman, after having to resign from the Hebrew Union College (HUC), amid complaints of rabbinic sexual misconduct, was hired to work for Birthright Israel! Does anyone really want this swine working around our children - what a role model !? I am disgusted the way these abusers always seem to land on their feet with a little help from their... what was the word ?... enablers! If rabbinic sexual misconduct was declared illegal in all 50 states, like it is in 23 states when perpetrated during pastoral counseling (what better way to target victims - the vulnerable who seek their rabbi's help), then men like Rabbi Zimmerman would face prison terms and madatory registration as sex offenders upon conviction...if they target their victims behind closed doors while "counseling" them. Since our religious denominations (like the CCAR, etc), refuse to do anything concrete to keep the rabbinate safe, I propose we lobby our legislators to introduce laws designed to protect those who seek help, advice or counsel from clergy. It's time our government did something to address this widespread problem that affects every denomination.
"Rabbinic Sexual Misconduct Survivor"
This is totally disgusting.
These guys are teaching children?
I think I'm going to be sick.
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