Sunday, July 31, 2005

Does The World Stop As We Wait To Hear More About Mordecai Tendler?

I am totally confused by the fact that so many individuals and organizations are closing their eyes to the fact that that there are so many cases of sexual violence besides the case against Rabbi Mordecai Tendler in the Orthodox world.

Does the RCA and or Agudath Israel of America have no back bone? Are they going to sit back and do nothing? Do they care that we have sexual preditors amongst us?

They may talk about doing something about "abuse", but when they do, they only discuss domestic violence (husbands beating their wives). Can they even say the words "Childhood Sexual Abuse" or "Rape"?

What about the case of the of the psychologist/yogo instructor? Did anyone hear anything more about that case? Has he ever entered into treatment with someone who is a member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers?

What about Rabbi Ephraim Bryks? As we all know he would have been the first rabbi expelled from the RCA if he didn't resign. Does anyone care about what he's up to? Just because he's no longer a member of the RCA doesn't really mean a thing. He's still up to his old tricks, and allegedly putting women and children at risk of harm. He's still considered a "rabbi." Has he ever entered into treatment with someone who is a member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers?

What about the case of Rabbi Marc Gafni? Has he ever entered into treatment with someone who is a member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers?

What about the case of Rabbi Israel Kestenbaum? He was sentenced to five years probation and counseling. Has the community in which he lives do what they can to help his wife and child? Is he supervised when attending shul or other public places? This includes when he uses the bathroom? Or in hallways? Has he ever entered into treatment with someone who is a member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers?

What about the case of Rabbi Mordecai Magencey? Is he still teaching psychology courses? This was a case of Rabbinical Sexual Misconduct, and also one in which an individual lost his license to practice as a psychologist. Has he ever entered into treatment with someone who is a member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers?

What about the case of Rabbi Michael Ezra Ozair? He's a convicted sex offender, who is parading around as a Kabbalah Couch. Rumors have it his case load is packed with other sex offenders. He is considered to be an orthodox rabbi. Has he ever entered into treatment with someone who is a member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers?
Where is the outrage in this case? He's not a member of any rabbinical organization, yet there's nothing anyone can do to remove the title of "rabbi" from his name. There are rumors saying he actually doesn't even have smicha (ordination). If that's true, then he's impersonating a rabbi. Is that crime?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are absolutely right! What is the RCA doing about Bryks? He's still up to his same old tricks. He may no longer be a member of the RCA, yet he's still a rabbi who's orthodox. He should be shunned.

July 31, 2005 3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you for posting this.

As far as the J Hershy Worch case, they all sure were eager to read about it, only to state they were 'unable' to issue any statements, due to not being a member.

What was the point of even informing them in the first place?!

Bah. It's all politics, just politics.

It's rather ironic that the only one willing to issue any kind of moral statement is the ex-pornographer Luke Ford.

July 31, 2005 7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the psychologist/yoga instructor is Yohanan Berkowitz, who lives in New Jersey. He used to live in Manhattan.

I know when I went out with him I felt very uncomfortable.

August 01, 2005 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Y Berkowits is real slime. He already date-raped a few of my friends and got away with it, due to insufficient evidence..

August 05, 2005 12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

y berkowitz date raped a few of your friends? as far as i know, i'm the only one he date raped. if there are any others, please please have them call vicki polin at the awareness center. the more women that come forward, the more power we have to do something about it.

August 07, 2005 9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to reach vicki polin, call the awareness center at 443-857-5560.

August 07, 2005 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Mordecai Magencey is still teaching in the universities. Will it take someone getting hurt again before they open their eyes? Surely, they won't be able to say that they didn't know.

September 17, 2005 10:02 PM  

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