Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Case of Rabbi Mordechai Tendler Update - By Jewish Whistleblower

Everyone needs to go the Jewish Whistleblower's blog and read what he has to say about the handling of the case of alleged rapist Rabbi Mordechai Tendler.

Don't forget to have your voice heard and make comments while you're there!

It's time for the RCA to end this charade of an investigation. How much more out of control can this process become? Rabbi Mordechai Tendler has proven he does not belong in the rabbanut.

Accept the Praesidium report and remove Rabbi Mordechai Tendler from the RCA publicly.

I'm also making a public call for the removal of all the rabbonim from the RCA who were part of this fake RCA scam. They need to be named publicly. This is outrageous.

RCA - Rabbinical Council of America (Orthodox)


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