New Case - Rabbi Avraham Leizerowitz (AKA: Avraham Mordecai Lazerewitz)
Note From The Awareness Center, Inc.
Case of Rabbi Avraham M. Leizerowitz
(AKA: Avraham Mordecai Lazerewitz, Avraham Leizerowitz, Avraham Mordecai Leiverowitz)
Head Spiritual Advisor - Gerrer Yeshiva and Mesivta Bais Yisroel School - Borough Park (Brooklyn), NY
A civil suit was filed against Rabbi Avraham Mordecai Leiverowitz of the Gerrer Mesivta High School in Borough Park Brooklyn. The charges include improperly touching a boy during a one-on-one help session in the rabbi's office in the Borough Park secondary school. Three other older boys have also come forward making similar allegations.
Avraham M. Leizerowitz, described as man in his early fifties. He was originally hand picked by the Grand Rebbe of Ger for the position of spiritual advisor at the Gerre Mesivta Bais Yisroel school. Leizerowitz has been affiliated with the institution for around thirty years. He is originally from Bnei Brak (or spelled Bnei Braq), Israel.
Gerrer Yeshiva and Mesivta Bais Yisroel School
5407 16th Ave., Brooklyn, NY
If you or someone you know was abused by Rabbi Abraham Leizerowitz please file a police report. You can do so with the help of your local rape crisis center. The Awareness Center can help you locate one if you need help, we will also put survivors in contact with the attorney who file the civil suit. Our phone number is 443-857-5560
According to reports Rabbi Abraham Leizerowitz took an extended vacation to Israel as soon as the allegations were made back in April. We need your help locating this alleged offender. If you know his whereabouts please contact Vicki Polin at The Awareness Center immediately. We will forward the information to the appropriate individuals.
Other cases in which an alleged sex offenders escaped prosecution includes:*********************
New York Post
December 14, 2006
December 14, 2006 -- For the second time in a week, a respected Brooklyn rabbi has been accused of sexually abusing a boy student at a religious school.
A suit filed Tuesday in Brooklyn Supreme Court accuses Avraham Mordecai Lazerewitz, described as the spiritual supervisor at the Geres Misivta Bais Yisroel school, of touching a student in April.
Lazerewitz groped and improperly touched the victim during a one-on-one help session in the rabbi's office in the Borough Park secondary school, says the unidentified boy's lawyer, Eric Green.
School officials did not return a telephone message. Last week, authorities accused Brooklyn Rabbi Joel Kolko of fondling a student, 6, and a 31-year-old former pupil.
Avraham Moskowitz is the lawyer for Kolko's protector, Lipa Margulies. Look at what kind of filth he has represented:
Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, the man authorities are labeling the master-mind behind the World Trade Center bombing, reported now in United States custody. [Yousef's attorney Avraham MOSKOWITZ, former FBI assistant director James FOX - comment on Yousef.]
Former law professor sentenced on child-porn counts
NEW YORK (AP) -- A former law professor accused of having some 150,000 images of naked, raped, sodomized and whipped children on his office and home computers was sentenced Monday to six months in jail and 10 years probation.
Edward Samuels, who taught copyright law at New York University Law School for 20 years, pleaded guilty in April to 100 counts of possessing child pornography. He was arrested last August after two computer technicians at the school found the images on his hard drive and reported him.
Assistant District Attorney Maxine Rosenthal told the judge that Samuels, 54, had the largest stash of photos and videos of child pornography ever found in Manhattan. Rosenthal said some of the images featured girls as young as 3 years old.
Avraham Moskowitz, Samuels' lawyer, said his client has a mental illness and had been "amply punished" because he had lost his job and had been publicly humiliated.
Before being caught, "I didn't want to be helped," Samuels told the judge. "Part of my problem is that I did enjoy what I was doing and didn't want to stop. I do ask for your help now."
Awareness center has a picture of this Lazerowitz bastard. Please post for all to see.
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